Wow... single digit temps last week and now 8 inches of snow at Steele Creek Marina! One of our members on Facebook put it into perspective when suggesting we not forget these extremely cold days this summer, when the temperatures are close to 100 degrees. Right now we can only dream!
We want to remind everyone to attend our Spring Business Meeting on Saturday, March 14th at the Glass House Community Center, Henderson Point. Lots to talk about and as always, Don Courtney and crew have a great brunch planned for us. Don’t forget to bring a dish to share. Doors open at 9:30 am. Grab some coffee, help us set up and catch up with old and new SCYC friends. Brunch will be served when the shrimp turn pink at approximately 11:00 am and our business meeting will immediately follow our meal. We are especially excited to begin our SCYC Share Series at this meeting with Dr. Darren Wohl’s discussion of “Boating First Aid”. A topic that benefits us all, as together we become better educated and prepared!
A big thank you to Doug Miller for hosting another successful Brass Balls Sail which was held on January 31st. Nine boats and plenty of crew participated in a gorgeous day on the water.
Hope you have been checking the growing calendar on our website, If you have an event idea, that you would like to share or host, drop me a line at [email protected] . In addition, we’ve got some great Share Series discussions already planned, but we’re always looking for more! If you have a favorite topic of interest that you would be willing to share, I would love to hear from you. Topic discussions can be anything you think our fellow members would benefit from or be curious about. Doesn’t have to be about boating, but can be. Maybe a discussion about your previous Boating Charters, Yoga, Nautical Knots, Boat Improvement Projects, Bird Watching or Photography? Share Series discussions can be as short as 15 minutes or as long as you want. Keep in mind, SCYC becomes a stronger club when we can all contribute in our own way. Here’s what we’ve got so far:
· Boating First Aid
· Everything You Wanted To Know About Batteries, But Were Afraid To Ask
· Diesel Engines 101
· Younger Next Year
· Reiki
· Boating Safety
On another note, I’d like to extend appreciation to all those that post marina photos and keep a watchful eye out for each other’s boats while at the marina.
It’s so reassuring, especially during times with wide temperature swings and extreme weather. Last weekend was another example when a few of our members noticed someone’s boat’s bilge pump working hard. Apparently an engine water intake filter had cracked and was leaking water into the boat. If not for the watchful eye of others and quick action, the boat would have easily sustained damage. Again, thank you to everyone who provides a watchful and helpful eye when we are not there. We will do our part and return the favor!
To see what’s happening at the lake if you’re not there, join our Facebook group: Steele Creek Yacht Club Also, the marina has a Facebook page: Steele Creek Marina, which can provide useful information as well.
So as we deal with an apparently unfinished winter, stay warm and dry. We look forward to seeing you soon at the Spring Business Meeting on March 14th at the Glass House, Henderson Point. Don’t forget to bring your checkbooks to pay your 2015 dues, too.
Thank you, as always for your contributions, energy and support to SCYC,
Barb Willcox
2015 SCYC Commodore
[email protected]
Note: Photo credits to Ron Parham. Appreciate it, Ron!