SCYC Members,
Good times were had by all, during our fun-filled Memorial Day Weekend, with the most remarkable weather! It all kicked off on Saturday with our annual Memorial to the Fallen & Blessing of the Fleet, hosted by Don & Dana Courtney and Paul Sullivan, all aboard Palisades. After Paul delivered a heart-felt prayer and ceremony via VHF 71, twenty-one boats steamed by the floating wreath and placed flowers nearby, to pay tribute to the memory of friends and family that served our country and those that had fallen. Soon after, we headed back to the marina for SCM’s Customer Appreciation Day festivities where new and old friends shared good food, games and dancing to a live band. Thanks Charles and Jill Robinson! Later that afternoon a good number of boats headed out for our annual voyage to Clarksville with an overnight stopover, this time at Cow Pasture. M&M was our anchor boat and held us steady with a record-setting 9 boats on one anchor! Sunday’s sail brought a total of 8 boats to anchor in Clarksville waters and many more to arrive by car for forty-some members sharing dinner at the Pizza Pub. Winds were stronger on Monday with more sunny skies as together we headed home with a Hibernia Point raft-up, anchored by Zephyros to celebrate a fabulous weekend. Other than the perfect weather, one of the best parts of the weekend was a shared sense of unity whereby sailors looked after sailors, giving guidance and watch along the way, and radio communications to alert others as the wind conditions changed. A great weekend to be a proud member of SCYC!
In case you missed some of our other May events, on May 2 we had a double-header beginning with Rhonda Ivey’s Share Series discussion: “Reiki, The Healing Touch”. We thank Rhonda for enlightening us as we envisioned a healing process of touch, capable of activating an improved state of well-being and better health. Later that day, Meryl Masters-Alexander kindly invited ten women to join her for our first entry in “Ladies at the Helm” aboard M&M, including: Lisa, Shannon, Ann, Jane, Laura M, Connie, Vicky, Rhonda, Diane and myself. Not only did we learn some good sailing techniques, but shared giggles and grins, and vowed to do it again soon with more women already placing advance reservations for the next voyage!
Eddie Walter’s May 16th Gilligan Island Fun Race included 13 boats for a twenty-some mile spinnaker / wing-on-wing leg to the dam, followed by a reach, just past the Rock Wall to Gilligan’s Island and then back to the start. While rounding the island, Gilligan’s reputation held true as the waters got very shallow for two boats and unfortunately light air for others, but eventually the wind picked up for an exciting finish. Tenacious took the win for A Fleet and Honeycraft took the B Fleet win.
Finally last Saturday, SCYC was fortunate to participate in Pat Terry’s Share Series discussion on “Boating Safety”. We were all fully engaged in the topic and shared some of our own safety strategies as Pat lead us through many ways to pay closer attention to improving the safety of our precious crews and boats. Did you know that it’s a smart idea to have a fire extinguisher within easy reach of your cabin berth? Do you know which is the best man-overboard maneuver for a lake? If you wake up in the middle of the night and step into water, how long would it take for you to quickly and accurately recall how many through-holes are on your boat? Did you know that if you are pulled over for a safety inspection, that in order for your inflatable PFD to be counted, you have to be wearing it? If you missed Pat’s event and want a copy of his outline/handout, email [email protected].More importantly, start the discussion this week with your crew on how to improve the safety of your boat!
Looking ahead to this Saturday, June 13th is our next double header starting with Thanos Maroglou’s Fun Race: Captain’s meeting at 10am, staggered start at 11am. Plus that evening, the wonderfully anticipated Italian Night, hosted by Rhonda Ivey and Keir Penny at 6pm on our new patio! (Can you say LEVEL seating & LEVEL food tables??) Don’t forget your favorite Italian dish to share and bring a chair, if you wish.
As we get closer, we’ll be looking for a volunteer to be the anchor boat for the Satterwhite Point Fireworks raft up on Saturday, July 4.
Here’s what else we’ll be looking forward to:
Clarksville Lakefest: July 16-18
Luau at Henderson Point Group Campground: August 14-16
Dog Days of Summer: August 29
Thanks for making SCYC great! Hope to see you this Saturday-
Thank you, as always for your contributions, energy and support to SCYC,
Barb Willcox
2015 SCYC Commodore
[email protected]