First I would like to welcome 2 new members to SCYC. First Jim and Lynn Novorska (Blues Cruze / 09 Chaparral Signature 29 on A- dock) and Jon and Dixie Pauley (Miste Bato / 74 Hunter 25' on C-dock at the beginning of August).
Our prayers go out to Keir and Rhonda of Tail Wind, they are having a trying week.
I’ve heard of the dog days of summer but we were hot dogs. Coming up to the boat Friday afternoon, the inside temperature was 100 degrees in the cabin. We turned the AC on and went on a jet-ski ride while the cabin cooled down. Several boats had already moved back to their slip. Others were going to move over the weekend. We jet-skied over to our friend Steve at UNC and spent the next hour in the water. When we came back to the marina, the boat was down to 81 degrees. Tenacious and Parrotise were have some trouble getting the boats cool till the sun went down. It felt ok with the fans blowing and the humidity taken out. We made dinner and then went around to socialize. Not too many people up. I sat talking to Steve on Parrotise and when I got up, my foot had an argument with a dock cleat. The dock cleat won and my little toe was black and blue. It was so hot out, I went inside the boat and watched a movie. Several others stayed out to talk by Parrotise. On Saturday, Mark and I were working on our refrigeration. It doesn’t get down cold enough. We put in 1 inch insulation board in the freezer and the refrigerator and hooked up a digital thermostat (I hate those dials, you never know what those numbers equate to, Oh I like a number 5 or I like number 6, well a number 3 does it for me). This way we know exactly what the temperature is inside the unit. Several people went out . There seemed to be a nice breeze. Parrotise went to their usual place by Hibernia as did Symphonia. Brenda Gail, Cynosure and Tenacious headed up to the Great Island and beyond. We headed out on the jet ski since it took so long for the boat to cool down, it was maintaining temperature. We stopped and talked to each of the boats and then headed over to UNC. We spent a couple of hours there in the water.

At 5 PM, we headed out. We saw Tenacious and Cynosure motoring down from Henderson Pt and we jet skied up to them. Then we headed back to the marina. As we did that, the wind picked up from the West. There was a chop on the water. We were bouncing around and spraying water onto ourselves, which we didn’t mind. Just as we were heading into our slip, we heard on the VHF radio that Tenacious ran out of diesel. We asked if he wanted us to jet ski a can of diesel to him but Cynosure was there and they hooked up a bridle for a tow back. The plan was to bring Tenacious to the end of C-dock to berth then get diesel so she can move back to her slip.

First a little club business. Waste Caddy etiquette: When using the waste caddy for a pump-out, please make sure that after you use it, you clean off the hose and caddy and make sure that the exit valve is closed for the next person to use. Also, the waste caddy is over 12 years old and has been breaking down more frequently. Please make sure that you attempt to fix it. If you cannot fix it, please make sure club officers are aware that there is a problem with the waste caddy. We do have some spare parts for it. No one wants to walk up to the shed to use the waste caddy for a pump-out and find that it isn’t working. With that being said, the club has ordered a new waste caddy and will be putting it together. We will hold on to the old one for a spare.
Now for fun things. It looks like this coming weekend will also be a hot one. Well let’s cool off with some frozen rum drinks Friday evening at the gazebo at 8 PM. I have the fixings for pina coladas, how about someone bringing stuff for a fruit daiquiri etc.. Then on Saturday enjoy the day and join us at the Gazebo at 7:30 for Ice Cream. The club will provide Vanilla, Chocolate, and Strawberry Ice Cream (on dry ice). We need some volunteers for Hot Fudge, Strawberry topping, Caramel topping, whipped cream, nuts, sprinkles, fresh sliced fruit etc. Let me know what you can bring so that we don’t have duplicates.

Upcoming events will be our Castaway weekend Saturday August 13th on the island behind Gilligans Island. (Up to the dam turn left and just past Rockwall)
You will sail or motor over to the island by 3 PM. Bring chairs to sit on. After everyone has gathered, kids 14 and under will be given shovels to dig for prizes. After the kids, the adults will have an opportunity to dig for West Marine gift certificates. Once the treasures have been found, we will have a campfire cookout. Bring something to cook and drink. I have smores left over to make.
Then the next big event will be the Luau on Saturday August 27th. I made the reservations for the group campground at Henderson Point State Park. We will need help to shop for food, and set up on Friday afternoon. Then on Saturday, we will need help cooking. This is a great event for our members to invite friends and family. They can camp at the campground for free. We only ask for a $5 contribution for food per adult (kids eat free). The club has the volleyball net and if anyone else has other beach games like Bean toss, Horse shoes, or Ladder toss, that would be great. I will talk more about these events as the time gets near but I wanted to remind you of these events ahead of time for planning and asking friends and family to join us. Have a great week. Stay cool and we will see you on Friday.