With the passage of the Winter Solstice, we can begin to look ahead to longer and warmer days in 2022.
First up on the 2022 Event Calendar is the Brass Balls Sail scheduled for February 5th. This event has always served as an early season 'ice breaker' - a chance to get re-acquainted and prove that sailing in North Carolina is a year-round affair!
The annual SCYC Spring Business Meeting will be held in the traditional location at the Henderson Point Glass House (Community Building) on Saturday, March 5th. As always, the club will enjoy good food and fellowship, collect member dues, and elect officers for 2022. Nominations are still open, and newer members are encouraged to get involved. Past officers always stand ready to lend a hand and share their experience in support of the incoming officers.
Any members wishing to host a club event, please send your ideas and calendar dates to the officers via email.
Until next time - Happy New Year!
Nathan Maune
2021 SCYC Treasurer
s/v AMPERSAND (C-79)