With light and variable winds on Saturday the spirit of competition came alive at the Kerr Lake Kup thanks to everyone that came out for the races. Thanks to all participants, especially the crews and Richard Reed, who assisted me on committee.
Fleet 1. Tenacious decisively won two consecutive races against Journey to capture the trophy.
Fleet 2. Godspeed won the start and first race for the Hunter 38s, but Chang Mai won the second start and race. With both boats voluntarily retired, so there was no third race, Chang Mai takes the series. (Boat last to win.)
Fleet 3. Loblolly took the first race in a photo finish at the "H" mark (shortened course) against Seahawk, but Seahawk took the second race and trophy.
Fleet 4. The two Hunter 30s formed the fourth fleet. Brenda Gail took the first race. Honeycraft led by two boat lengths as the two boats approached the midpoint of the last last leeward committee boat leg, but Brenda Gail continued to work hard and sail a straight line and got the inside position on a wind shift to overtake Honeycraft, sealing their victory.
Notable notes:
1. In the two competitions with two dissimilarly rated boats, the slower boats won.
2. Hopefully, Eddie will be able to share the photo of the photo-finish of the Loblolly and Seahawk at "H" mark.
3. I will try to get the trophies out as soon as possible. Have to talk to the club treasurer.
Tim (Vicknair)