I hope this e-mail finds everyone safe from the storm and little to no damages. Throughout the week I know that many of you have made your way up to the marina to secure your boat for the storm. I want to say a little extra thanks to people who went beyond that and walked the docks to secure other people’s boats. Thanks to Jeff, Eddie, Pat, Rick B., and Mark for helping to make the marina a little safer for everyone. There was very little damage sustained at the marina. Only one boat lost a dock line (Work Release) and was captured before it could hit. I saw a bimini partially down on Respite. The electricity was out at the marina for about 24 hours from a down powerline near the entrance to Steele Creek and was restored Sunday at 5 PM. On Sunday many of you did come up to check your boats after the storm. It was a beautiful day with light winds, and not a cloud in the sky. Several people were out sailing and motoring. Please make sure that the club has your most recent e-mail addresses and cell phone numbers so that we can call you if there is a problem with your boat.
Several of you have already had your boat detailed (compounded and waxed) by Julio and his father. If you are interested in this service you can contact Julio at 919-961-0323. He has pricing by footage for above the rubrail (topside) or the entire boat (waterline and up). Call to get on his list. Also, the club has gotten in the Club Burgees. If anyone is interested Doug and I have some on our boats. They are $45.
This coming weekend will be the beginning of the Fall Racing Series. I will let the racing committee write up the information. If you are interested in racing or crewing ( to learn how to be a better sailor) on a boat, please contact Eddie Walters at [email protected].
I was able to change the date of the Luau to Saturday September 10th at the Henderson Point Group Camping Ground. Please mark your calendars and let me know if you can come. Same as before let me know how many adults and kids, what you can bring (we had a lot of desserts volunteered, can anyone change their food to a side dish?), and if you can help set up on Friday Sept 9th at 3 PM at the club shed, or help cook on Sat or Clean up, or return things to shed on Sunday. We had about 44 people coming before the storm let’s see if we can do better this time. RSVP by Wed. Sept 7th.

Time: 1 PM
Place: Henderson Point Group Camping Site
RSVP: Wednesday Sept. 7th