It looks like winter decided to show her ugly head this weekend. After a beautiful spring like Friday and Friday night, Saturday morning was cold and windy. We had 9 race boats for the racing series and 2 spectator boats. Needless to say, we did not have a Shake Down Cruise. The only shaking being done was to stay warm. I will let Eddie describe the racing.
After the race, many people and crew headed home, so we did not have the flea market. We will reschedule that event later for in the Spring. A core group of people remained behind for hamburgers. Since the group was small, we grilled at several boats and ate inside. The rain held off till 7 PM. In the morning, several people saw snow. We had a group of 10 head to Pegram’s for breakfast. They just opened this weekend. They also have, finally City Ham for breakfast, yeah!!.
We left the lake early and pretty excited because this week, with the help of Jeff and Rich, we will be sailing our new boat (Catalina 350 (M & M)) down from Deltaville to Oriental. I have heard from Doug, our treasurer, who said that membership checks continue to come in. We have 33 of our 61 members from last year paid. Please continue to send your checks in. I will attach the membership form again.
Also, I would like to thank Diane Walters for her help in getting a Steele Creek Yacht Club website up and running. Please check it out at We need club approval for the spending of $71.80 for the hosting of the site for 2 years. The domain name is $10. This will give us a fairly powerful website with the ability to password protect some pages and upload large files, including word documents, presentation files and video files. Diane has asked for suggestions what we as a club want to see in the website. Here were some questions:
- Is the info on the homepage enough as an introduction?
- What else is needed?
- What about the FAQs? Though we may not have a history yet of questions that come through the comments page, you may be able to think of questions that you commonly answer from new and potential members. We may want to put an officer and committee list on the FAQ page.
Please get back to me about authorizing for the more powerful site for $71.80.
Our next club event will be Saturday April 9th. The Commodore Chase and Fit and Trim Potluck. Mark and I want a rematch of last year’s Commodore Challenge. This time we plan to win. Afterwards, the challenge for all our galley cooks is to make an Appetizer, Entrée or Dessert that is healthy, low fat and low calories. Bring copies of your recipe. We will have a judging committee. Have a great 2 weeks. We’ll keep you posted on our progress down the ICW on Facebook.