As your new 2015 Commodore (in waiting), I can’t tell you how excited I am to be working alongside such talented contributors and fellow officers! A lot of us are already working to help make the year ahead, fun for all! But we would love to hear from YOU, if you have an idea for an event or maybe you’re not sure if you want to host an event, cause you’ve never done it before? Actually it can be as simple or complex as you want. We can guide you with the planning and help with the invitations too. To make it easy for you to remember how to best contact us, Diane, our Vice Commodore, has created individual officer email accounts which will follow the officer position from year to year. So don’t hesitate to reach out to us with comments, questions or a desire to help with one of our upcoming events. Here are our email addresses:
Barbara Willcox, Commodore [email protected]
Diane Walters, Vice Commodore [email protected]
Laura Maroglou, Secretary [email protected]
Doug Miller, Treasurer
[email protected]
Along with our traditional events and fun races, this year we hope you will also enjoy our new Share Series events. The Share Series events will mostly be mini events that will be combined with larger events and will hopefully educate, inspire and/or energize you. Contributors will discuss varied topics from Battery Maintenance (thanks, Mark) to feeling “Younger Next Year” (thanks, Glenn) and we think you’ll enjoy them. Let us know if you’d like to share some of your knowledge and keep in mind, it doesn’t have to be a long discussion. Maybe just 5 minutes… maybe 15 minutes… or longer if you’d like. We all have a common love of being on the water as fellow boaters, but at the same time we are a diverse group with varied skills, different experiences and backgrounds. The good part is tapping into all this talent that surrounds us! I am hoping you’ll appreciate these discussions as we take turns sharing ideas, while we gather at some of our covered-dish get-togethers.
So keep an eye on our SCYC calendar, on our website as we continue to add more events. Once finalized, we will have a pdf version of the calendar that you can download. We’ll also post updates on our snazzy new SCYC bulletin board (thanks Ron and Bob), installed last year and located between the parking lot and dock ramps.
Happening in January, make sure you join us for the yummy Chili Cook-Off, hosted by Dave Rock on January 24th and the Brass Balls Sail, hosted by Doug Miller, which will be held, regardless of rain, sleet or shine on January 31st. Thank you Dave and Doug for helping to get the new season started with these great events! Even though we are still facing freezing temps from week to week, these January events help us to believe that Spring and warmer weather has got to be, hopefully, not too far ahead!
Here are some more SCYC dates to remember:
Thank you, as always for your contributions, energy and support to SCYC,
Barb Willcox
2015 SCYC Commodore
[email protected]