We're looking forward to another fun Memorial Day Weekend! Our traditional schedule is shifting this year due to Steele Creek Marina's Customer Appreciation Day on Saturday, May 23, 11:00 am-5:00 pm. We wanted to show our support to Charles and Jill Robinson and the many improvements planned and those already made to our marina community. Hopefully you RSVP'd to their email from April 28th and will be able to attend too.
The day starts out with our annual Blessing of the Fleet and Memorial to the Fallen, just east of the marina at 11:00 am on Saturday. See yesterday's email from Don Courtney for details. At Don's great suggestion, we asked to incorporate this event into SCM's Customer Appreciation celebration and potentially increase the involvement from all SCM tenants, not just SCYC. They agreed it was a wonderful addition to the day's festivities.
On Sunday, May 24th we'll embark on our Clarksville Sail, leaving the marina at approximately 10:00 am. Some may prefer to head out Saturday afternoon, the choice is yours since this is an informal event. It usually takes 3.5 hours to motor and longer if you're sailing, depending on the wind. If you sail, motor by boat or prefer to drive by car (30 minute drive), we'll meet for our annual Pizza Pub Dinner at 6:00 pm on Sunday. Located at 401 Virginia Ave, Clarksville, Va 23927. Usually we have 40-50 join for dinner so it's always a fun time!
If you're planning to attend dinner at the Pizza Pub on Sunday night, email
[email protected]
and let me know how many are coming so that Pizza Pub will be ready for us! If you're interested in participating in the group sail, let me know that too and when you are planning on departing.
It's sizing up to be a great Memorial Day weekend and we look forward to seeing you all then--
Thank you, as always for your contributions, energy and support to SCYC,
Barb Willcox
2015 SCYC Commodore
[email protected]