We hope you had a great weekend. The yellow crud is out in full force. Parts of the lake were solid yellow.
With the water back on the dock it sounded like a lot of people did some cleaning of their boats on the inside and out. The weather was great with nice cool nights to be out on the hook for great sleeping.
A couple of boats went up to Clarksville for the Wine Festival while others drove up for the day. There was a nice size group that went to the pub for dinner on Saturday night where there were great stories told and lots of laughs as always.
Sunday there were several boats that went out for a bit of a sail. By the radio chatter there was not a lot of wind in spots but still a great day to be out on the water.
Next Saturday April 20th is going to be a full day of events.
1. Flea Market and Pot-luck dinner = please see Meryl Alexander's email
2. Dinghy rack build = Dennis Koehler will send out message with info
3. Club shed clean out = this project will start sometime mid morning.
We hope to see you all there next weekend.